Alecsandro juan gustavo
Has been a long road
Life hasn't been exactly what I wanted to find as inspiration, but is the only I have to my own. I have had anything, without question my mind make that belief, sometimes doesn't measure any, a lot of times I fall on my wounded knees. I can stay watching the time going by with no even breath.
Details about a life
Alecsandro Juan Gustavo, writer; Alecsandro Adezeu, plastic artist; Alec Roulds.
Effort woman's child, a woman with wide acknowledge acquired from her restlessness versatility, the kindness and loving woman known. Son of a father devoted to his family life, an example of man, he never doubt about work until even blood sweat to bring bread to his home. Engineer without degree who in his career has surprise to some quantity of degrees. Innovator and designer from wide technology the which were own by power names.
Brother to a brother and sister both with capable to love and understand.
Tutor to a perfect puppy, Caluga Julieta, the most lovely puppy in the entire world.
Al started at the born, life must to be a warning step, living in a doctrinal religion wasn't never something easy to face. Social coexistence was a very heavy load to carry, often religion's ideal wasn't accord to the normal function of the society, were he couldn't find way to develop. His sister tried to repair her older brother's loneliness, he never accept his little sister sink at the same lonely hole. Sometimes the lonely tried to drown his eyes with water, his throat taken the pain keeping the ignored face dry.
Being in his home with his family and his valuable non human animals, was the most comforting reward he could find. Even with all shining, the lonely never stop its presence, his toys were his only loyal company, and television was his more fervent friendship.
Religion professed by his mother wasn't that bad, there he could find the dead time were truly time to create, draw at meetings was sacred to him. His mother by her own always encourage her children activity. Reading was also very benefited, had in his hand the most known book to his study. Besides, he was loyal to dictionary attachment.
At 13 years old, his incursion by words made it's first step, poetry before that moment was no more than lovers praises. At a language class he was able to understand the way to appreciate the loved may evoke passion to any being or thing. With that, his writing at that moment was embrace his emotions, overwhelming misery that he doesn't understood. His mother at read her son's writings, was able to see that wasn't the life she wished to her son's life. At try to erase those words, she thrown the notebook the one was composed by the tragic way her son watches the life and even time limits stated.
Time doesn't stop it's presence, writing was stopped, but the need to create keep he busy drawing and painting. His mother tried a lot of things to motivate the life of her young child. No even he was noticed about the happens to his own life.
At 16 years old, his life left his beats, any wish of a future was stuck when he knew about his mother dead. His only one thought was the way to commit suicide. The suicide never reach term, but his days turn into a dark trance in the were was not hold to any. Even inside the trance was able to make some shouts by his insatiable need to create.
When he notices the big blockade to have a full life, all gets reason, his human troubles were the reason for being what he couldn't help. He disolved the lock at his emotions, was all clear, the problem was detected, not even so, things to face will be relentless. No matter what, he raises with his crooked back, facing the all he tried to hide.